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  • Writer's pictureHelen Johnson

Digging myself out of the snow, for the sake of the country!

Updated: Feb 14, 2021

Up until around four years ago I was drug free, actually what I mean to say is, I was well enough to have been drug free, when even paracetamol rarely passed my lips. Unfortunately, around five years ago I was struck down with a bout of flu, which turned to a secondary illness which brought me low, affecting both my heart and lungs. To cut a long story short, I was hospitalised for two weeks and, thanks to the wonderful NHS, who have rebuilt me (although leaving me with some issues), supplied me with the correct drugs and I am now living a full life (bar lockdown, of course). I appear to be on the vulnerable list (although I have never received a letter to tell me this), and therefore have been offered a Covid jab earlier than I expected, to help protect me and the NHS.

I therefore got up early and dug myself out of the snow and ice that still surrounds my little car, which has been parked up for around five days in a village on the outskirts of Maidstone. It is high on the edge of the Weald and therefore it’s windier, colder and the snow lasts longer up there, where my Mum lives. I negotiated the ice rink we call roads on the estate and then onto the ice-free main roads, and got myself home, and then to my GP surgery to get my Covid vaccination.

When I arrived at my GP surgery in the centre of town, despite being one of he busiest surgeries in Maidstone, everything ran like a well-oiled machine and I only had to wait 5 minutes before I was ushered through to have my jab. I was greeted by my friendly “Vampire”, well, actually she is the lady that always takes and checks my blood every couple of months. There was another nurse present updating the computer, probably registering my jab on the national database so Boris can keep count. The Vampire announced me “This is Helen Johnson, date of birth (blah blah!), and local author and she stuck a sticker on my jumper saying "I've had my Covid Vaccination". Wow, is that me, local author? I thought to myself. Whatever next?

So far, so good and no after-effects, no strange symptoms – although I did spot a hair coming out of my chin today in the bright sunlight, so maybe I am turning into “The Fly”, just like Jeff Goldblum!

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