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  • Writer's pictureHelen Johnson

Gone in a Heartbeat

Well, here I am, still alive and kicking and 60 years of age tomorrow. Just under five years ago I managed to pick up a particularly nasty bought of the flu. After battling it on my own for around a two weeks thinking it was just a bad cold, especially as everyone I spoke to said "It can't be the flu, if you had the flu you wouldn't be able to get out of bed." Well that is clearly not true. After a particularly bad night of cramping in my legs and hands I telephoned 111. Once at the hospital I was given oxygen (wonderful stuff), and the wonderful team in A&E at Maidstone Hospital started the process of saving my life. The flu had set off a secondary illness which affected my heart function and filled one side of my lungs with water. After two weeks stay (I will leave out the horrendous moments to this story) I was allowed home with a large bag of drugs and a smile on my face. The doctor who told me I could go home said I was very lucky, if I hadn't telephoned 111 they may have been less successful in my treatment and I certainly would never make my 60th birthday. So tomorrow is a great day and one to be celebrated. British Heart Foundation - Beat heartbreak forever (

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