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  • Writer's pictureHelen Johnson

"Break a leg"

I miss circuit training, actually, let me quantify that, I miss chatting to the people who I have grown to know at the class, I miss their jokes, their advice and their general uplifting spirit, I miss being able to meet friends for a chat whilst walking round our local park, I miss meeting for a coffee and a naughty piece of cake. I do not miss the solitary exercise of the gym, it bores me, it is working out to improve the body, and I prefer to work out to improve my mood and expand my mind. I miss so many little things but the one thing they all have in common is people. I miss meeting people, face to face. During lockdown I have kept in touch by phone, email or zoom (but not often as my hair is a mess), like everyone else, but it is nothing compared to meeting face to face, especially if it is accompanied by a G&T in a welcoming pub.

Keeping in touch with the people who proofread my books is both nerve-wracking and good for me, and it never ceases to amaze me how two different people can read the same book and yet see my characters from such differing perspectives. Having written the characters, I know in my mind what they are like, you could even say, I know who they are, but my readers each take to a character for whatever reason and begin to warm to them, and almost expand that characters’ traits in their mind, to the extent that when I mention how that character would react in a certain situation, they disagree with me, giving me a reason why not. The mind is fascinating.

One of my friends wished me luck with my writing not long ago and told me to “break a leg”, I always thought of that comment as a good thing, until now. Unfortunately, partly as a consequence of my general lack of motivation to exercise these past few months, I am now in the unfortunate position of having to visit the osteopath once a fortnight to try and regain some movement in my right knee. I woke up one morning and when I put my foot to the ground the pain hit me, and I was incapacitated for a while. My knee has been struck down by a small tear in one of the internal muscles which has been compounded by the start of arthritis (this has yet to be confirmed, but I think it’s probable). Grrrr. Yes, some will say that all you need is a little self-motivation, and you can keep a good exercise regime going, well, bully for them, but it’s not me. I like to be surrounded by others whilst exercising, those who can motivate me, laugh with me, laugh at me.

Having had time to think about it, perhaps the very fact I am away from “real life” and “real people”, is the thing that is motivating me to write putting strong emphasis on the characters within my books, with all their strengths and flaws. Although my characters are fictitious, I have obviously taken some elements of their character from people I have met, or have known over the years, this helps me to visualise how that character will act in a certain set of circumstances. I do hope those who know me don’t see their own traits in any of my villains - I may need to hide!

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